Word Counter - Count Words and Characters

To use this Word Count Checker, please copy and paste your content into the box below, and then sit back
and watch as Word Count Checker will run a real-time scan.

Characters: 0
Words: 0
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0
Reading Time: 0
Show readability score.
Top keywords:


Whether you are an established writer or just another Internet rambler, we are now all living in the era of word counts.

From social media character limits, to lengthy document requirements in corporate settings, if you’ve been writing words, then you’ve been operating with text counts, whether you are aware of it or not.

  • Twitter used to limit us to 140 characters, but later pushed it to 280.
  • Facebook wouldn’t let you post anything that is longer than 63,206 characters or even let you comment using using more than 8,000 characters.
  • How about Instagram’s 30 hashtags limit? The limited 2,200 characters they allow in your Instagram captions will even get truncated after just 125.
  • We even hear that for your blog post to break into a first page ranking on Google, it may have to stay north of 1800 words.

See? The era of character count limits is truly upon us!

You need to always stay on point, ensuring your content stays within the limits of these relevant platforms… so that you don’t unwittingly end up having to reduce or increase your count words back and forth just to meet some requirements.

For that to happen, you need a text counter tool.

But using a word calculator does more than helping you count social media post characters.


Well, first off, if you’re wondering why you should be using an online Word Counter Tool, then try character counter of your content manually. Before you get to line #7, you will realize that the exercise is quite difficult, if not practically frustrating.

And besides, who wants to waste precious time counting a lengthy document, when you can easily get help from a tool like ours.

Meet our counter and word finder online tool, Count Number of words with Small SEO Tools. It is a smart count word calculator which delivers results in an eye blink.