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iFood - multi restaurant merchant hosting site SAAS

Brand: CodeCanyon | Availability: In Stock


  • Version: 1.1
  • Quality checked by HOTLancer
  • Included: demo install support LaraUp
  • Included: Lifetime Free Updates
  • File not work HL wallet balance refund
  • Payment: MasterCard & PayPal And bKash
WhatsApp Support
Daraz Clone Laravel script
  • $499
  • $699
  • $999
Amazon Clone Laravel script
  • $499
  • $699
  • $999
AliBaba Clone Laravel script
  • $499
  • $699
  • $999
AliExpress Clone Laravel script
  • $499
  • $699
  • $999
Flipkart Clone Laravel script
  • $499
  • $699
  • $999
Jumia Clone Laravel script
  • $499
  • $699
  • $999


+ Whats is the script functionality?
iFood is a multi-restaurant hosting script. it allows merchants to create a restaurant or multi restaurants page, add menus and items (food) to it. the visitor chooses the nearby restaurant he wants to by using the Geolocation feature. after the visitor buys the item using Paypal or credit card (Stripe), the merchant restaurant receives an email notification to deliver the food. the user can make orders from different restaurants at the same time and script while sending the order and invoice to each restaurant.

+ The members’ roadmap?
User: can only buy from the website and track his order from the “My Orders” section.
Merchant: can create a restaurant or multi restaurants based on the plan he chose. he manages his orders and the status of each order. and make the deliveries to the user.
Admin: he has all the functions in the script. but basically, he has nothing to do with orders because it is the restaurant job.. but if he wants to do that he can from the administration.

+ How the money handled?
the restaurant adds the price and the delivery fees if exists to an item. when the visitor buys food from the restaurant all the money goes to the admin Paypal/Stripe account.. the system cut the TAXES percentage (you can change taxes percentage from administration) and add the money left to the merchant balance.. the merchant make withdraws from his balance to the email account that he add.. the admin accepts or refuses that.

Live Demo

+ Login as admin (link)—[username: khalid; password: khalid]

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Last Update
Published Jun 25, 2021
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